What we do:
Our vision is for children to live and share the love of Jesus and to build them up as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our 4 designated groups on Sundays are Crèche (ages 0-3), Explorers (nursery-yr1), Discoverers (school years 2 to 5) and Venturers (school yrs 5&6).
How you can help:
Our volunteers serve once a month, that's only 3 sessions a term. If you're interested in joining the team and/or have any skills that you think you can contribute to the team, we'd love to hear from you! Please fill in the yellow 'I'm In' cards at the front of church or email and we'll get back to you!
Sign me up!
Email: admin@stmkr.org
What we do:
Our Parent & Toddler sessions offer a fun, friendly and safe environment for children (from birth to 3 years) and their carers. Sessions run on Tuesdays 2-4pm and Wednesdays 9.15-10.45 and 11.00-12.15, except during school holidays. Each session involves play with age-appropriate toys, stories and action songs. Refreshments are always available.
How you can help:
There are so many ways you can get involved; serving teas and coffees, interacting with children and their parents/carers, set-up & pack down or you may have a special gift/ skill that you would love to bring and share then we'd love to hear from you! Safety is very important to us so all volunteers are DBS checked.
Sign me up!
Email Caroline cwinterburn59@gmail.com
Incredibles is a playgroup for babies and toddlers with special needs and their parents or carers. It takes place every Friday morning during term time in the Church hall, between 9.15 - 11.15am.
Each session we hope to create an environment where parents and children feel loved, valued and safe for play and relaxation. It’s an opportunity for parents and children to play without felling judged and to chat, share and encourage one another who may be on a similar journey as they do life with a child with special needs, while enjoying coffee and home-made cake.
If you have heart for children with special needs and families, then we'd love to hear from you!
There are lots of ways you can help by serving refreshments, supporting children in play, talking and supporting parents, setting up/ packing down. We are particularly looking for people who have a gift in floristry, massage and beauty treatments to bless our parents.
Email admin@stmkr.org if you have any questions or can help.