Our Prayer Meetings
We have 3 public prayer meetings, each offering a different way to pray; everyone is welcome!
Need Prayer?
As a church we want to do all we can to help our community through these difficult times and we believe in the power of prayer. Whether you have a prayer request for yourself or loved ones, we have a dedicated prayer team that would love to pray for you.
By clicking Make a Prayer Request button you can send us an email asking for your request to be sent straight to our prayer team, or if you’d like someone to pray with you over the phone then please leave your telephone number. (The person making the call will withhold their number and the call will last between 5-10 minutes).
Please note these prayers will remain confidential.
'Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you'
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Prayer Resources
If you're new to prayer then why not download the Try Praying App or order a free booklet and go on a 7 day journey? Click on the link here to find out more:
Lectio 365 is great app to have on your phone that leads you through a time of prayer, from our friends at 24-7 Prayer. You can install it here.
The Bible in One Year app is another great resource giving you daily bible readings throughout the year which you can listen to on your phone or read. There is also a commentary from Nicky Gumbel the vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB). You can find this here.
The Prayer Course is a great resource for developing your 'prayer toolkit'. Click on the link to find out more.
How to Pray - A Simple Guide for Normal People is a bestseller by Pete Greig. it takes you through the Lord's Prayer (sometimes called the 'Our Father') and leads you through very practical steps in starting out in prayer or going deeper. This is a compassionate and fun guide for the beginner and experienced pray-er alike. Highly recommended. Get it on Amazon here: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/How...
Also available on Audible here: